Public Safety Alerts And Recalls
Our new mental health platform, CredibleMind, is now live! Explore Bourbon County's confidential and free website providing mental health resources and support 24/7. All residents are invited to check out our platform now live at



Most health insurance plans are now required to cover FDA-approved medications and counseling to help you quit tobacco. One-on-one coaching, prescriptions, patches, lozenges, gum–they’re all covered. Using medications can double your chances of quitting. Talk to your healthcare provider or pharmacist. It’s covered–even if it takes a few tries. To speak to our Tobacco Program Coordinator who can help you get started call 859-987-1915.

Tobacco Program Services

The Bourbon County Tobacco Cessation and Control Program provides a multi-faceted approach to tobacco prevention and control. Our program aim is to improve the public’s health by:

  • Preventing youth from starting to use tobacco, e-cigarettes, or hookah.
  • Encouraging adults and youth to stop using all types of tobacco.
  • Providing accurate and current information about tobacco use, treatment, e-cigarettes, and new tobacco or nicotine-based products.
  • Advocate for comprehensive smoke-free ordinances to protect the community from the dangers of second and thirdhand smoke.
  • Encouraging guardians in Bourbon County to choose 100% Smoke-free childcare, and for childcare centers to voluntarily adopt 100% smoke-free policies.
  • Provide education for community members, leaders, and policy makers, and work together continuously to protect the community from the hazards of tobacco use.

Staff members are available to provide presentations to the general community, continuing education for health professionals and to coordinate tobacco education for community events. For more information about our program and its services, call (859) 987-1915.

Displays & Props:

  • Simulated Smoker’s Lung
  • Mr. Gross Mouth
  • A Years Worth of Tar Jar

Tobacco Cessation & Treatment

The best way to stop tobacco use is to get help from an established program proven to help many people quit for many years. Provided is a list of treatment programs available to help residents.

Quit Now Kentucky

Kentucky residents can connect with their own personal quit coach by contacting Quit Now Kentucky at 1-800-QUIT NOW or visiting

The Kentucky Quitline offers additional support for individuals on Medicare, those without insurance, residents of public housing, and expectant mothers. This assistance can include help with medication therapy. Expectant mothers can also benefit from financial incentives, such as gift cards awarded upon completing coaching calls. To take advantage of the Quitline’s benefits, pregnant women must register before their delivery date.

Freedom From Smoking

Our health department offers Freedom From Smoking®, a FREE 8-session program, developed by the American Lung Association to help tobacco users stop smoking or the use of other tobacco products. This program helps participants develop a plan of action and provides the support needed to remain tobacco-free. The program is offered in-person or virtually. For more information about classes offered in Bourbon County, please call (859) 987-1915. To view other FFS program options click here. Sign up for our waiting list to be contacted when a class becomes available.

Plan to Be Tobacco Free

Plan to be Tobacco Free is a program offered by the Kentucky Cancer Program (KCP) to help Kentuckians learn which smoking cessation programs are available and assist them with deciding which option is best for them. This FREE one-time class is conducted by KCP Tobacco Treatment Navigators online via Zoom or in-person at worksites or other community locations by request. To enroll or request a presentation click here.

Youth Tobacco Treatment Options

My Life, My Quit ™

My Life, My Quit is a free and confidential service designed specifically for teens ages 17 and younger who want to stop vaping or other tobacco products. My Life, My Quit provides free access to personalized resources for quitting including:

  • Simplified registration & enrollment process to connect you to a quit coach faster.
  • Five free coaching sessions scheduled every 7-10 days
  • Access to trained coaches for personalized support by phone, text message or online chat.
  • Help navigating social situations and finding healthy ways to cope with stress.
  • Text messages for support quitting vaping, smoking, or chewing tobacco.
  •, for online enrollment, online chatting with a quit coach, information about vaping and tobacco, and activities to support quitting and;
  • Self-help materials designed by youth with messages from youth.

Teens can enroll in My Life, My Quit by visiting or by Texting “Start My Quit” to 36072.

NOT for Me 

NOT for Me is a self-guided, mobile-friendly online program that leverages the American Lung Association’s Not On Tobacco (N-O-T)® program to help teens break nicotine dependency, whether they vape, smoke or use other tobacco products. The program is FREE and requires teens to register for an account to enroll. Visit, call 800-LUNGUSA or visit to learn more.
Learn about other youth treatment resources here.

Worksite Wellness

The Affordable Care Act requires employers and most health insurance plans to provide access to tobacco treatment services at no cost to insurance plan members. Although specific benefits differ from plan to plan, this may include coverage of medications and treatment counseling services like the Freedom From Smoking® program.

Some workplaces may offer Freedom From Smoking to employees as part of their health and wellness program to meet the Affordable Care Act requirements for tobacco treatment services. Check with your human resources department to see if your company is one of them.

Our health department offers small in-person group tobacco treatment sessions for workplaces. Employers can save nearly $6,000 per year for every employee who quits tobacco. To request our Freedom From Smoking program for your business, please call 859-987-1915.

341 East Main Street, Paris, KY 40361

In lieu of publication, our approved budget can be viewed on the Department for Local Government (DLG) website.

Andrea Davis-Viney, MPH
Public Health Director

Amanda Thornberry, DMD
Board of Health Chairperson