Public Safety Alerts And Recalls
We are changing our hours of operation. Starting the week of January 8th, our hours will be Monday, Tuesday, and Wednesday 8 am to 4:30 pm, Thursday 8 am to 6:30 pm, and Friday 8 am to noon.

tattoo and body piercing

The Kentucky Department for Public Health, Division of Public Health Food Safety Branch develops the statewide Tattoo, Body Piercing and Ear Piercing Program plans, objectives, policies and procedures and helps local health departments carry out the state Tattoo, Body Piercing and Ear Piercing Programs.

Click here to learn more

341 East Main Street, Paris, KY 40361

In lieu of publication, our approved budget can be viewed on the Department for Local Government (DLG) website.

Andrea Davis-Viney, MPH
Public Health Director

Amanda Thornberry, DMD
Board of Health Chairperson