Public Safety Alerts And Recalls
Our new mental health platform, CredibleMind, is now live! Explore Bourbon County's confidential and free website providing mental health resources and support 24/7. All residents are invited to check out our platform now live at

HIV and STD Testing

The Bourbon County Health Department offers Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV) and Sexually Transmitted Disease (STD) testing everyday.  Some STD’s are curable and some are not but can be managed with antiviral medication.  BCHD can test for the following: (click below for more information) 

STI treatment options are available if need.

Condom Distribution 
The health department offers free condom distribution to the public during business hours.  They are located near the front door or please ask the receptionist or your health care provider during your visit.  This service is confidential. 

Our HIV and STD program is provided to the public – appointments are encouraged. To learn more about HIV and STD’s click here

341 East Main Street, Paris, KY 40361

In lieu of publication, our approved budget can be viewed on the Department for Local Government (DLG) website.

Andrea Davis-Viney, MPH
Public Health Director

Amanda Thornberry, DMD
Board of Health Chairperson