child health services
In addition to our Immunization Program, our clinic offers the following services for infants, children, and adolescents.
Lead Investigations
The Bourbon County Health Department (BCHD) participates in the Kentucky Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program (KCLPPP). KCLPPP is part of the Healthy Homes Initiative and offers a comprehensive approach to primary and secondary prevention of childhood and prenatal lead poisoning and other housing-related health hazards.
As part of this program, BCHD provides the following services:
Lead Screening and Investigation
Screening: Our clinic provides free or low-cost lead screening for children 6 and under.* A Health Department nurse works to manage the cases of any children found to have high blood lead levels.
Investigation: Environmental staff from the Health Department conducts investigations for possible causes when a child is found to have high blood lead levels.
Education and outreach: Education and outreach activities provide information through Web pages, pamphlets, brochures, health fairs and collaboration with community groups and state and federal agencies.
* Only uninsured children. All other children 6 and under should be screened through their pediatrician office with their well child exam.
Click here to learn more about the Kentucky Childhood Lead Poisoning Prevention Program.
341 East Main Street, Paris, KY 40361
- Phone: (859) 987-1915
- Fax: (859) 987-3230
In lieu of publication, our approved budget can be viewed on the Department for Local Government (DLG) website.
Andrea Davis-Viney, MPH
Public Health Director
Amanda Thornberry, DMD
Board of Health Chairperson